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Christine Lander | Pedeva

Christine Lander is a theater pedagogue and a lecturer in storytelling.

She graduated with a master’s degree in European history and South Asian studies from the Berlin Humboldt University. Today she uses the knowledge acquired as resource for her work as a narrator.

Christine always had a passion for storytelling and subsequently studied theater pedagogy at the Berlin University of the Arts. A life-long learner, she also took voice lessons, studied pantomime, fascia therapy, sensory gymnastics, and the Feldenkrais method. She deepened her skills in storytelling workshops with internationally acclaimed storytellers such as Marco Holmer (Holland), Helli Aaltonen (Finland), Clare Murphy (Ireland), Abbi Patrix (Norway / France) and Ben Haggarty (UK).

Since 2007 she has been working as a professional storyteller with regular appearances in her own stage productions in theaters, museums, and festivals. Christine is a thought-after lecturer in storytelling at home and abroad and has taught at the UdK Berlin, the Goethe-Institute and the Staatsschauspiel Hannover.

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