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Executive Search

Our consultants previously served in senior management positions in the corporate world and know what it means to be in an application process having to choose the right candidate.

On the other hand, we all have been on the candidate side in the course of our professional career. We have personally experienced how frustrating it is not to get any feedback and to feel inappropriately cared for by a headhunter.

From our point of view, many recruiters lack empathy and genuine interest in the candidate. Headhunter in general are committed to the client and not the candidate. Under high pressure searches are done superficially, without personal commitment, and decisions are rushed.

Some great candidates might not have been at the right place in the right time or might not have sold themselves well enough. It takes time to identify the ideal candidate, and time costs the recruiting consultancy money they are not willing to spend. As a result, the best fit for a vacancy might be left unidentified.

Pedeva’s holistic approach, combining training and consulting, gives us the opportunity to build up true relationships. We accompany our candidates on their career paths and promote their professional development. Our commitment and deep insight give us the possibility to provide the client with the best fit.

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