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Leadership for Assistants

There is hardly any other profession that requires more subtle leadership skills than the assistant. Above-average commitment, entrepreneurial thinking and high social competence are important prerequisites for your job. In addition, as a top-level assistant, you are expected to lead with discretion and with natural but not managerial authority.

What does effective leadership mean for you as an assistant? Where is the fine line between office support and effective leadership assistance? How do you see yourself, your role and how do others percept you?

Take on your leadership role as an assistant deliberately and consciously. In our seminar we talk about various leadership styles, their characteristics, and elements: presence, charisma, and the interaction of verbal and nonverbal communication through the appropriate use of body, voice and posture. Practical exercises from the classical drama training as well as improvisation techniques and role-playing help you to understand your role in the corporate context and to actively shape it.

In the protected environment of a small group, we will give you ample space to try out various action alternatives. You will receive professional feedback as well as individual recommendations from our trainers on how to further improve your appearance, your impact, and your professional demeanor.

You learn how to fill your specific leadership role with confidence and positive instinct. Your attitude and your self-esteem will be strengthened, your perception sharpened, and the range of your expression trained. You receive valuable impulses to gain more self-confidence and to grow further in your professional and personal development.

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