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Florian Emde | Pedeva

After completing his degree in business administration at the University of Cologne, Florian Emde worked in channel management for global ICT companies such as T-Systems, Dell EMC and Fujitsu. In addition, he was involved as a venture development manager and mentor in the Berlin start-up scene.

Florian considers unbiased communication a major success factor. Mutual understanding, trust and loyalty are fundamental for long-lasting and successful business relationships.

For Florian, personal growth and lifelong learning are important key factors in modern leadership. In addition to his role as a manager, he has continuously trained in communication studies. This includes non-violent communication (GfK), NLP and behavioral studies. He is a systemic coach (ECA) and certified Scrum Master (TÜV).

Florian has deepened his awareness for presence and authenticity in numerous acting courses and improvisation workshops, gaining new perspectives and better access to his fellow human beings in the everyday business life as well as privately.

Despite or precisely because of the advancing digitization, soft skills are crucial in the workplace. The ability to express oneself freely, a confident demeanor, emotional intelligence, stress resilience and much more are expected of employees and applicants. In order to meet these requirements of the modern working environment, Pedeva offers tailor-made seminars with maximum practical relevance.

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