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Heike Sheratte | Pedeva

Heike Sheratte was born in Bombay, India. After training as a certified dance and gymnastics teacher, she studied modern dance in Munich and with Merce Cunningham in New York.

Until 1993 Heike was a freelance dancer and teacher for modern dance in Munich. From 1993 to 1996 she trained as a teacher of the F. M. Alexander Technique with Danny McGowan in Berlin.

Heike has been teaching the F. M. Alexander technique in private practice for people of all ages since 1996. She has been a teacher and deputy director at the training center for F. M. Alexander technique in Berlin since 2001. Since 2010, Heike is a lecturer at the Hanns Eisler University of Music and an advisor in health management to several Berlin based companies.

In the Alexander Technique seminar, Heike will show you how to develop a conscious and healthy way to cope with the daily stress at work with ease and strength. This also promotes your natural charisma and presence.

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