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Kai Kienast | Pedeva

Is there anything more rewarding than creating one’s own future and becoming the best version of oneself? This is the essence that determines Kai Kienast’s work as a human resources executive, consultant, and executive coach.

Convinced of the concept of lifelong learning, he decided to study psychology and counselling at the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg. After initial positions human resources in Germany, he decided to broaden his professional experience abroad.

In Vancouver he was so fascinated with the language, culture, and nature that he considered emigrating to Canada. However, he followed the call of his heart and moved with his wife-to-be to her native Mexico. What started with two suitcases and lots of creativity turned into half a lifetime on the American continent.

Kai Kienast was responsible for executive development at Volkswagen Mexico. He initiated the establishment of international standards for leadership development, which also included an internal coaching concept over different levels. In addition, he used his intercultural skills to prepare executives and their families for their reintegration into their home countries.

As an external consultant, he defined the corporate values ​​for Schnellecke Logistics Mexico and supported the top management. Due to the successful cooperation, he subsequently was appointed Head of Human Resources for North America. His main task was to further develop the organization. He successfully introduced international standards regarding corporate culture, quality and a job evaluation system.

In 2014, Kai Kienast decided to follow the call of Schnellecke’s group headquarters and return to Germany. He assumed worldwide responsibility for the Human Resources and Communications department of one of the leading logistics providers in the automotive industry with 20,000 employees. As a member of the Board of Management, he not only represented his department, but was also involved in the strategic and operational management of the company.

His several years of training as an executive coach had a decisive influence on his view of people and their professional development. Within this framework, Kai was certified by the International Institute for Neurosemantics in the systemic approach of meta-coaching.

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