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Lucia Peraza Rios | Pedeva

Lucia Peraza Rios is an actress and trainer.

Born in Eastern Germany, Lucia grew up in Cuba and Germany. As a teenager she discovered her passion for the stage. She completed her theater and acting studies at the Hamburg University of Music and Theater in 2007 with double distinction. Her first permanent engagement took her to the Schauspiel Köln, where she performed, both in German and in Italian.

Today Lucia regularly appears on stage as a freelance actress and is a welcome guest in film and television productions. Characterized by changes in perspective and polarities, different languages ​​and cultures, classical theater and performance, Lucia takes great pleasure in passing on her skills and experience to others. She trained as a certified business trainer (BDVT) and has been combining acting and business in her work as a trainer since 2018.

Our qualities and abilities are like an instrument that we must learn to play. Lucia’s passion is to discover and promote the potential in people. She is convinced that presence and impact can only be developed from an understanding of one’s own self.

Language and posture are not separate from the emotional or mental attitude. She pursues a holistic approach, combining both. This is how communication becomes constructive and leads to positive results.

Lucia’s motto is loosely based on James Dean: „An actor must learn everything there is to learn, experience everything there is to experience, or at least come as close as possible to this state.“ This applies not only to the acting stage, but also to the stage of life.

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