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Ulrich Radoy | Pedeva

Ulrich Radoy can look back on a successful career as an actor and director.

As a graduate of the prestigious Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts in Berlin, Ulrich was a member of the Prenzlau Theater in Berlin, the Greifswald Theater, Altmark Theater (Stendal) and the Quedlinburg Stadttheater.

Guest engagements included theaters in Berlin, Anklam, Hanover, at the Harzer Bergtheater Thale, the open-air theater Greifensteine and the Störtebeker Festival Ralswiek (Rügen).

As a freelance actor he has appeared in numerous film and TV productions as well as solo programs in the Chamber Music Hall of the Berlin Philharmonic, Passionskirche Berlin, Bodemuseum Berlin and at the Berlin State library.

In 1999 he founded the BerlinerZentralTheater and has directed more than 20 stage productions with the ensemble since.

Ulrich is a passionate acting and theater pedagogue and regularly works with aspiring actors in Berlin and Brandenburg.

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