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Ulrike Röseberg | Pedeva

Ulrike Röseberg is an actress, speaker, and coach.

Ulrike is one of the few Berliners actually born in Berlin. After graduating from high school, she studied acting at the Konrad Wolf Film and Television Academy in Potsdam Babelsberg.

First theater engagements took her to Austria to the Salzburg State Theater and to Bregenz, followed by numerous film and television productions. For several years Ulrike played leading roles in the hugely polular TV series „Everything that counts“ and „Block B“. Among others, she appeared in episodes of Soko Leipzig and Cologne, Die Heiland and the Usedom thriller.

In addition to her work as voice-over artists for movies, radio shows and documentaries, she is a qualified systemic trainer. Her focus is on the topics like presence, charisma, and voice.

As an actress, Ulrike is part of a good story. As a trainer, she supports others in taking charge of their own stories. The result of her work is a strong presence and presentations that leave a lasting impression.

Ulrike is married, mother of 2 sons and a boxer dog named Bowie.

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