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Volkram Zschiesche | Pedeva

Volkram Zschiesche is an actor, stage director and coach.

Born in Germany and raised in Asia, Volkram developed a great interest in acting from an early age. He turned his passion into his profession and studied acting at the “Konrad Wolf” Film University in Potsdam-Babelsberg. After being part of the ensemble of the Ulm theatre for several years, today the focus of his artistic work is mainly on camera acting. To date he has appeared in numerous national and international film and television productions.

The intensive pursuit of various martial art forms, from Taekwondo to Aikido, from Judo to boxing and Capoeira, shaped him as a person and as an actor. In particular, the Vietnamese Tu Thân and its (life-) principles had a significant impact on him. He considers martial arts as a form of expression that goes beyond competitive thinking. It teaches communicating respectfully, appreciatively and authentically. Self-reflection and the exploration of mutual synergy effects are focal points of his work.

Based on his acting experience, Volkram conceived a program for personal development. By creating awareness on a mental, emotional, and physical level, he offers new perspectives for the embodiment of the roles we play in our everyday lives.

Using a unique mix of acting methods and martial arts elements, he supports his clients rediscovering their innate potential and encourages self-confidence and authenticity.

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